
Belize is a country on the eastern coast of Central America, and while over 60% of Belize’s land surface is covered by forest, some 20% of the country’s land is covered by cultivated land (agriculture) and human settlements. Belize has a small, mostly private enterprise economy that is based primarily on export of agriculture, agro-based industry, crude petroleum, and tourism. In agriculture, citrus and sugar remain the chief crops accounting for nearly half of exports while the banana industry is the population’s largest employer.

In 2011, the country’s gross exports amounted to US $345.7 million with citrus (14.8%), sugar (13%), banana (9.1%), marine products (7.1%) and papaya (3.3%).making up the largest categories. 

Investment opportunities

Belize’s arable land is also well suited for investments in agriculture and agribusiness. The country currently produces primary products including soy beans, rice, citrus, sugar, bananas, and papayas. However, much opportunity remains in non-traditional food crops such as tropical fruits, vegetables, and exotic forestry products.

Main Activities

According to FAO’s Country Programming Framework for Belize: 2011-2015, agriculture in Belize is characterized by three main sub-sectors:

  1. A fairly well organized traditional export sector for sugar, banana, citrus, and marine products
  2. A more traditional, small-scale farm sectors, producing food mainly for local consumption
  3. A well-integrated large-scale commercial sector 




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