
Belize is a country on the eastern coast of Central America, and while over 60% of Belize’s land surface is covered by forest, some 20% of the country’s land is covered by cultivated land (agriculture) and human settlements. Belize has a small, mostly private enterprise economy that is based primarily on export of agriculture, agro-based industry, crude petroleum, and tourism. In agriculture, citrus and sugar remain the chief crops accounting for nearly half of exports while the banana industry is the population’s largest employer.
In 2011, the country’s gross exports amounted to US $345.7 million with citrus (14.8%), sugar (13%), banana (9.1%), marine products (7.1%) and papaya (3.3%).making up the largest categories.
Investment opportunities
Belize’s arable land is also well suited for investments in agriculture and agribusiness. The country currently produces primary products including soy beans, rice, citrus, sugar, bananas, and papayas. However, much opportunity remains in non-traditional food crops such as tropical fruits, vegetables, and exotic forestry products.
- Local exotic fruits can be processed into jams, jellies, extracts and pastes that can be packaged and exported as tropical products.
- Export markets exist for sawn wood, veneer, grains, jams and jellies, and pepper sauces.
- In terms of aquaculture, a number of species can be farmed in Belize including “River Lobster”, Blue-eye Catfish, Common Snook, Mutton Snapper, Nassau Grouper, Blue Crab, Flounder, Australian Freshwater Lobster, Channel Catfish, Malaysian Prawn and Florida Pompano.
- Given Belize’s proximity to the US, the country can supply a range of crops and fish products on a regular basis.
Main Activities
According to FAO’s Country Programming Framework for Belize: 2011-2015, agriculture in Belize is characterized by three main sub-sectors:
- A fairly well organized traditional export sector for sugar, banana, citrus, and marine products
- A more traditional, small-scale farm sectors, producing food mainly for local consumption
- A well-integrated large-scale commercial sector
Belize Agricultural Health Authority (BAHA)
Belize Ministry of Natural Resources
Belize Pesticides Control Board
Statistical Institute of Belize
No. | Name (Acronym): | Type of Business / Roles (s) | Contact Person/ Designation / Postal Address | Contact Information |
1. | Agricultural Development & Services Limited. (ADS) | PRV / PS-M | Ms. Judith Canton Manager PO Box 132, Dangriga Town. | Tel: 501 522-2110 / 2113 Fax: 501 520-2095 Email: agdevser@hughes.net |
2. | Agro-Vet Jiron | PRV / PS-S | Mr. Jose Jiron Manager Savannah Street, San Ignacio | Tel: 501 824-3853 Email: agrovetjjj@btl.net |
3. | Bel-Car | PRV | Mr. Otto Friesen Manager PO Box 397, Belize City. | Tel: 501 823-0318 / 0271 Fax: 501 823-0136 Email: bel-car@btl.net |
4. | Belize Aquaculture | PRV / PS-P, PS-M, PS-E | Ms. Valerie Schart or Mr. Michael Bowen Managers #1 King Street P.O Box 37 Belize City | Tel: 501 227-7031 Fax: 501 227-7062 Email: bowenbz@starband.net or bowen@bowen.com.bz |
5. | Belize Farm Center Limited | PRV / PS-S | Mr. Alton Hope Manager 1 North Front St., Belize City | Tel: 501 223-5786 / 0619 Fax: 501 223-3256 Email: belizefarm@btl.net |
6. | Belize Fishermen Cooperative Association (BFCA) | AS-F / PP, EX, IN | Mr. Alan Bevan Green Chairman PO Box 751, Belize City | Tel: 501 223-2450 Fax: 501 223-3982 Email: bfca@btl.net |
7. | Belize Fruit Packers | PRV / PS-E | Mr. Santiago Victorin Packing House Manager San Andres Export Processing Zone, PO Box 94, Corozal Town | Tel: 501 442-2924 / 3937 / 2511 Fax: 501 442-2765 Email: Santiago@belizefruitpackers.com |
8. | Belize Mills Limited | PRV / PS-M | Mr. Philip Miliken or John McCutcheon Managers PO Box 911, Belize City | Tel: 501 223-2924 / 2925 Fax: 501 223-2175 Email: bzemills@btl.net |
9. | Belize Minerals / Punta Gorda Dolomite | PRV / PS-M, PS-S | Ms. Anne Brorsen Managing Director PO Box 30, Punta Gorda Town | Tel: 501 722 2477 Fax: 501 722 2483 Email: dolomite@btl.net |
10. | Belize Sugar Industries (BSI) | PRV / EX, IN, PS-M, RD, TR, TM, PS-E | Mr. Damien Goff Marketing Officer PO Box. 29, Tower Hill, Orange Walk | Tel: 501 322-2150 / 3319 / 3320 Fax: 501 322-3249 Email: bsiltd@btl.net orbsimarketing@btl.net |
11. | Belmaize | PRV / PS-E | Mr. Frank Redmond Manager PO Box 13, San Ignacio, Cayo District. | Tel: 501 824-3353 Fax: 501 824-3353 Email: palmspring@btl.net |
12. | Cayo Tropical Fruits Ltd. / Big H | PRV / PS-M, PS-E | Mr. Orlando Harrison Manager 35 Buena Vista St., Sam Ignacio, Cayo District | Tel: 501 824-2646 / 2444 Fax: 501 824-3075 Email: inquiries@bighjuices.com www.bighjuices.com |
13. | Brodies, James and Co Ltd., Agrochemicals Retail | PRV / EX, IN, PP, RG, TR, TM | Dr. Erasmo Franklin Manager 2.5 Miles Northern Highway, PO Box 365, Belize City | Tel: 501 227-7070 Fax: 501 227-5593 Email: brodies@btl.net |
14. | Caribeňa Producers Cooperative Society | AS-F / EX, IN, TM | Mr. George Kumul Manager Caribena Street San Pedro Town, Belize | Tel: 501 226-2011 Fax: 501 226-3566 |
15. | Citrus Products of Belize Limited | PRV / PS-M, PS-E, TM | Dr. Henry Canton Manager PO Box 25, Dangriga Town | Tel: 501 522-2055 / 2080 / 2575 Fax: 501 522-2136 / 3368 Email:hcanton@citrusproductbelize.com |
16. | Country Meat Products | PRV / PS-M | Mr. Martin Wall Manager Spanish Lookout Cayo District | Tel: 501 823-0420 Fax: 501 823-0102 Email:countrymeat@spanishlookout.bz |
17. | Fruta Bomba | PRV / RD, IN, PS-E, TR, TM | Mr. Henry Warington Manager PO Box 192, Corozal Town. | Tel: 501 423-0333 / 0336 / 0050 Fax: 501 423-0179 |
18. | Limbe / Spanish Lookout Lime | PRV / PS-M, PS-S | Mr. Abe Dueck Manager PO Box 427, Belize City. | Tel: 501 823 0282 Fax: 501 823 -0282 Email: abedueck@hotmail.com abe@limbebz.com |
19. | Marie Sharp Fine Food Products | PRV / PS-M, PS-E, TM | Mrs. Marie Sharp Manager PO Box 6, Dangriga Town. | Tel: 501 522-2370 Fax: 501 522-3504 Email: fierylady36@yahoo.com |
20. | National Fishermen Producers Co-operative Society Limited | AS-F / EX, PP, RG | Mrs. Barbara Bradley & Mr. Charles Heusner Managers PO Box 316, Belize City | Tel: 501 227-3165 / 8039 Fax: 501 227-1300 Email: natfish@btl.net |
21. | New River Enterprises Ltd. | PRV / PS-M, PS-E | Ms. Miroslava Loskotbarraza Managing Director 6 Westly St., PO Box 164, Orange Walk Town | Tel: 501 322-2225 / 3373 Fax: 501 322-2528 Email: nreloskot@btl.net |
22. | Northern Fishermen Co-operative Limited | AS-F / EX, IN, PP, RG | Mr. Robert Usher Manager 49 North Front St., PO Box 647, Belize City | Tel: 501 224-4488 / 4460 Fax: 501 223-0978 Email: norficoop@btl.net |
23. | Placencia Fishermen Cooperative | AS-F / EX, IN | Mr. Sydney Lopez Chairman Point Placencia Village, Stann Creek District | Tel: 501 523-3102 |
24. | Prosser Fertilizer and Agrotec Limited | PRV / PS-M, PS-S | Mr. Salvador Espat Jr. Manager 8 Mile Western Highway, PO Box 566, Belize City | Tel: 501 223-5384 / 5392 / 5410 Fax: 501 222-5548 Email: prosser@btl.net prosser@starband.net |
25. | Quality Poultry Products | PRV / PS-P, PS-E | Mr. Norman Dyck Manager PO Box 349, Belize City. | Tel: 501 823-0113 / 0264 / 0265 Fax: 501 823-0248 Email: Infoqualitypoultryproducts.com |
26. | Reimer’s Feed Mill | PRV / PS-M | Mr. Harry Plett Manager PO Box 456, Belize City. | Tel: 501 823-0105 / 0273 Fax: 501 823-0229 Email: reimerfeed@btl.net |
27. | Caribbean Chicken | PRV / PS-M | Mr. Isaac Bergen Manager Blue Creek, Orange Walk Town. | Tel: 501 323-0590 Fax: 501 323-0067 Email:caribbeanchicken@hughes.net |
28. | Running W | PRV / PS-P, PS-M, PS-E | Mr. Escander Bedran Manager PO Box 175, San Ignacio, Cayo District | Tel: 501 824-2126 / 2765 Fax: 501 824-3522 Email: runningw@btl.net |
29. | Sabal’s Ereba | PRV / PS-P, PS-M | Mr. Augustine Sabal Manager Stann Creek Dist | Tel: 501 602-4848 |
30. | Belize Agroproductive Sector Group | PRV, OT (lobby organization) | Mr. Jose Alpuche Chief Executive Officer Hummingbird Hwy Belmopan City | Tel: 501 822-2901 Fax: 501 822-2901 Email: -basgroupbz@gmail.com -basgroup@btl.net |
31. | Tex-Mar Limited | PRV,PS-P,TM,RG | Mr. Hilberto Muschamp Manager Bom Bom Landing, Independence Village, Stann Creek District | Tel: 501 520-3075 Fax: 501 520-3075 Email: -texmarltd@btl.net azbelize@yahoo.com |
32. | The Wood Depot Co. Limited | PRV,OT(Production of lumber) | Mr. Emile Mena Manager Forest Drive, PO Box 15, Belmopan City | Tel: 501 822-2387 / 2049 Fax: 501 822-2096 Email: emile@themenagroup.biz |
33. | Western Dairies | PRV,PS-E,RG,TM | Mr. Henry Dueck Managing Director PO Box 464, Belize City | Tel: 501 823-0112 Fax: 501 823-0335 Email: sales@westerndairies.com henry@westerndairies.com |
34. | Yalbac Ranch and Cattle Corporation | AS-F,EX,PS-P | Mr. Earl Perez Manager 28 North Front St., PO Box 1975, Belize City | Tel: 501 223-5743 /823-0426 Fax: 501 223-2747/ 823-0429 Email: earlperez72@yahoo.com |