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News Date: July 27 2016

A better quality of fresh produce is expected to be exported now that two multi-purpose packhouses are operational.

A ceremony was held on Friday, July 22nd to officially open DEXIA’s two multi-purpose packhouses.

One packhouse is located in Longhouse, Portsmouth and the other is in Goodwill, Roseau.

The multi-purpose packhouse is an initiative funded by the Government of Dominica, the National Authorizing Office of the European Union, and the CARICOM Development Fund.

The packhouses will be managed by the Dominica Export/Import Agency (DEXIA).

Other contributors are the Ministry of Agriculture, the Dominica Bureau of Standards, the Dominican Hucksters Association, the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA).

The then Hon Acting Prime Minister, Rayburn Blackmoore, emphasized that agriculture is a priority for Government, hence the reason for these investments. 

“The Dominica Labour Party Administration under the competent leadership of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit is in fact dispelling the propaganda being brought forward by our distractors by officially opening these two facilities. There is a narrative that has been constantly crafted through the airwaves that this Labour Party administration does not invest enough in agriculture. This is not the truth. This facility, is a long time coming and it is good for the farmers of Dominica, the hucksters and it is goof for the agricultural sector.”

News Source: GIS Dominica

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Post Author: Nelzine Brown

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