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News Date: August 13 2016

Caroni Green Limited (CGL) plans on assisting Tobago’s pepper sauce producers with raw material, CEO Sharma Lalla has said.

A team from the company recently met with representatives of the Tobago Agro Processors Association (TAPA) led by president Darilyn Smart and Bernard Mitchell, CEO of Eco-Industrial Development Company of Tobago (E-IDCOT).

“In presenting an overview of the Tobago agro-sector, Ms Smart indicated that Tobago’s predominantly small-scale agro-processing enterprises continue to face production problems on account of inadequate and inconsistent supply of raw materials,” he said.

“Ms Smart reiterated that unreliable raw material supplies was one of the major constraints to reliable production flows experienced by agro-processors in Tobago. Processors claim that there is not enough raw material produced locally for processing at competitive prices. She added that local agro-processing also suffers from saturation of the available local market which results in far too limited market options. 

News Source: Trinidad & Tobago Guardian

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Post Author: Nelzine Brown

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