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News Date: August 18 2016

The Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA) says it will be encouraging its members to increase their support of the local agricultural industry.

“The JHTA is committed to supporting Jamaica’s tourism industry in all aspects,” said JHTA President Omar Robinson.

“It is one of the largest sectors that contribute to the overall success of our tourism product. The industry supplies approximately 65 per cent of all fruit and vegetables for most of our members.”

He continued: “We want our farmers to be able to produce the food items required in the desired quantities, at the right quality and time, with world-class agricultural tools and continue to be an important driver of Jamaica’s economy.”

Robinson extended congratulations to Martin Zsifkovics, CEO of AUSTROJAM Ltd, a member company of the JHTA who won the ‘Youth in Agriculture Award 2016’- Large Category at the recent staging of Denbigh, the region’s largest agricultural showcase.

After winning the award, Zsifkovics said, “As the winner of this award from IICA (Inter-American Institute for Co-operation on Agriculture) and the Ministry of Agriculture this year, I would like to make an impact on growing agriculture in Jamaica for the long term. To achieve this, all stakeholders have to work together to maintain the consistency and quality of products, while ensuring competitive prices in the best interest of our consumers.”

“Agriculture worldwide is evolving in response to growing global populations and demand; we must keep abreast with worldwide industry trends if we want our industry to continue to be successful and contribute significantly to our national economic growth,” said Robinson.

News Source: The Gleaner

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Post Author: Nelzine Brown

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