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Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, July 21st, 2016 – Stop at any roadside market in the Caribbean and you’re likely to be able to buy fresh mutton and goat meat. Despite the fact that CARICOM producers have difficultly competing with the price of imported products, they have no trouble selling their meat at these markets. Most Caribbean residents know that fresh, local meat makes a much better meal.

However, if you stop at your neighborhood grocery store, you may have trouble finding meat from local sheep and goat (small ruminants). There is a high demand for these products in the Caribbean, and Regional producers can only meet 25% of that demand. According to a CARDI report on “ The Small Ruminant Industry in CARICOM countries” (2013), the Region imports 75% of small ruminant products from countries like New Zealand and Australia.

News Source: Press Release C2-IDIAF Small Ruminant Training Dominican Republic

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Post Author: Nelzine Brown

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