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News Date: May 19 2016

Genetically modified crops are as safe to eat as their conventional counterparts and have not been proven to negatively impact the environment, according to a highly anticipated report.

However, the study finds the controversial technology has not, as proponents have claimed, increased the rate of crop yields and has resulted in insect and weed resistance that has become a “major agricultural problem.”

So if you’re looking for something that might settle the debate over genetically engineered crops once and for all, keep looking.

“A major sort of message from our report is that it’s not possible to make sweeping generalizations about the benefits and the risks of all GE crops,” said North Carolina State University entomology professor Fred Gould, chair of the 20-person committee behind the study, during a presentation Tuesday.

The report offers “a little something for everyone“ — from the most avid supporters to the harshest critics, according to the Chicago Tribune. 

News Source: Huffington Post

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Post Author: Nelzine Brown

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